AI is a powerful tool, but why we will always need the human touch.

We cover how AI tools have developed in the last 12 months and how to develop your marketing funnel for more effective conversion. 

  • Discover how to build AI + Automation into your marketing strategy.
  • Learn how to deliver more with the same resource and budget using the latest AI and Automation tools.
  • Learn how we can use these tools more effectively to drive results.
  • Learn how AI can boost your engagement rates
  • Identify both the advantages and backlash of using AI in social.
  • Explore the grey areas of IP Law and what you need to know.
  • Start to implement AI Automation into your Funnel, and how to use AI to get more out of your marketing budget.

Speaker: Charlotte Johnson 

After this valuable talk, we welcome you to the EO London monthly social gathering.

Join us to connect with fellow members outside of the forum and discuss challenges with experiences shares.



16.00 - 17.30 - Learning session
17.30 - 20.30 - EO Social

For anything on the day please contact

EO member registration