In July 2017 I was in a bad place. I was flat out dealing with clients, having to run faster and faster just to stay in the same place. A status quo had been reached with my business partners and we were on different continents and not aligned, which meant that growth was weak and sporadic. I was diagnosed with "laid back attitude", left lethargic, spending more time escaping the business, than growing it.
Getting on track
I was prescribed membership of the Entrepreneurs Organisation in London by my business partner. The thinking for this course of treatment being that the more time you spend in the company of highly motivated and inspirational people, the faster the dynamic in your own business life can change. I joined in July 17 and quickly underwent essential forum training so that I could join a group of fellow entrepreneurs, founders and co-founders of businesses turning over at least $1M per year, to meet and discuss the best ways to learn and grow.
Was I “cured”?
More than a year later, I can reflect on what a successful choice it was. An extremely successful period where my business has grown by a solid 30% and I have become a far more effective leader in my own now fully aligned business.
Listening to other members of EO I would not say that kind of result is surprising or uncommon. Not unusual. A standard happening.
Side effects
There have however been a few unexpected side effects from my perspective which I have felt since completing my first year.
These have been an increased overall sense of confidence and enthusiasm, becoming less judgemental, more understanding and learning to speak from experience rather than giving advice. I have also learned a huge amount that I was not expecting to by joining the board of the organisation, a unique opportunity to work, co-create and learn alongside exceptional entrepreneurs, with some parties too in awesome international locations.
Jim Rohn said you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, but I think it goes further as it also depends who those five people can introduce you to. Getting connected to other people running similar sized businesses in London has added me to an excellent network of 14,000 highly successful entrepreneurs internationally - who share the same values of trust and respect, to boldly go and make a mark with a thirst for learning. These are fellow members who are ready to share their contacts and experience to help each other learn and grow to find the next level up.
The prognosis looks great and am pretty much cured but as there are cool side effects, I'll be taking more of that medicine.